This Customer Service Charter outlines how we will endeavour to serve you and what you can do if you believe we have not delivered to those standards.
We welcome and value feedback, comments or suggestions on the service you receive. While every effort will be made to ensure client satisfaction, we recognise that there may be occasions when you may not be fully satisfied with the service you have received. You can provide feedback face to face at our offices, by telephone or in writing (by email or letter).
We will register your complaint and send it to the relevant section for investigation. We will act on or acknowledge your complaint in writing within 7 working days. While most issues can be resolved quickly, some may take some time. We will keep you informed about the progress of your complaint if it is likely to take longer to investigate.
While we believe that most complaints can be fixed quickly, if you are not happy with the outcome of a complaint, you can write to the Chief Executive who will review the matter.
If you are still not happy with the result after the Chief Executive’s review, you have the right to seek an external review from an outside agency. Agencies that can be contacted are:
Locked Bag 3 Collins St East Victoria 8003
P 1800 550 552
Phone: 1800 035 544
GPO Box 960 Hobart Tasmania 7001
P 1800 001 170